
So how does it Cure baldness?

So how does it Cure baldness?

Hair follicles are kept healthy by the blood vessels that feed them. Hair loss starts when the blood vessels cease to produce a vital supply of nutrients carried to the follicles by the blood.
The follicles become inactive, hair gets thinner and thinner then begins to fall out. This simple treatment Works by stimulating that blood supply feeding the follicles. Simply by performing a shoulder stand twice daily, that is first thing in the morning and last thing at night,will improve the blood supply to the scalp. This restores the normal nutritional process and hair growth follows.
Whilst it this position you are bathing the hair papilla with blood this allows the chemical reactions to take place in the hair root. The result of these Chemical reactions are hair growth. How long should you stay in the shoulder stand position? The answer being 30 Seconds each time at least. Although it will not do you any harm to do it for as long as you feel Comfortable.
Now it you are not convinced and want proof that it works. Take a mirror and arrange it so Whilst in this position you can see your hairline or head. What Colour has it gone? if the answer is red, what is the red Colour you can see? Blood.