
a poor blood supply to the scalp.

Give yourself a Chance, try it for three months. Why three months? As l told you earlier in these pages, hair grows at the rate of one centimetre per month, after three months your hair should have grown approximately one inch. Before you start have a good look using a mirror at what sort of state your hair is l remember my hair was receding at the temples. The fringe would not grow any longer than about half an inch, the hairline was fading away. By examining the hairline l Could see how puny the hair was. | cannot remember exactly how long after i started doing shoulder stands that i noticed that my hair had started to grow again, but you should notice a difference easily in three months.
Question: If | have been bald for some time will my hair grow back?
The answer to this question in theory is yes, as long as the Capillary network of the scalp has not deteriorated too much. With this new Circulation you are forcing upon the scalp, will help to improve the skin in general.
Hair with a good supply of blood must grow. Have you ever had an ingrown hair?
As a new hair starts to grow up the follicle, the pointed tip of the shaft pierces the side of the follicle. As the hair grows it pushes the shaft further into the skin and can be quite painful.
As you read earlier, the cells are Constantly dividing, one Cell splits into two. There is a good supply of blood,which by doing the shoulder stand at least twice a day there will be, the two oils we|| carry on growing.
If you are lucky enough to have not started to go bald. By doing these simple exercises it is impossible to go bald. If you are very bald Where you have just hair at the sides and back of the head, no hair in the male baldness region, and have been bald for a long time, the process of regrowing your hair Will be slow as the Capillary network has also deteriorated due to lack of blood. But in theory it should grow back but will take time. Keep the hair short and clean, massaging all over the scalp, especially the parts of the scalp you are scared to touch. With the new supply of blood it is impossible to wash your hair out.
As you read earlier in these pages, all human hair is the same. Whether it is on top of your head or under your armpit. Some women suffer from unwanted hair, Come to think about it most women shave their Services soon as electrolysis are offered to remove unwanted hair, but it still grows back. You see, the thing is hair being supplied with blood naturally must grow.
By performing the shoulderstand twice daily you are improving the circulation in general. Maybe some of you have already had high frequency treatment with electrodes and you disagree. it didn’t Work. But there again | don’t suppose you could afford them twice daily. By doing the shoulderstand you are reaping the same benefits as the high frequency treatments with the electrodes. You can see it is doing the job Minoxidil is said to do, feeding the hair with blood.
As you have read earlier the only thing that hair needs to restore the normal nutritional process is a supply of blood.
The first sign of this new treatment is a dramatic reduction in hair loss. This result is guaranteed. Obviously the bald patches will not grow back overnight. But you should notice improved growth in as little as 1 month.
It is said that baldness is hereditary, passed from one generation to another, which is true. Having conversations on the subject, | have heard quite a few people say “if you are going to go bald you are going to go bold.
What you must understand is your forefathers didn’t suffer from
baldness. They suffered from “a poor blood supply to the scalp”!

how chemical reactions work

If you are unable to do the shoulder-stand, there are other Ways of using gravity to improve circulation to the scalp. Lie on your stomach on a bed, hang your head over the end of the bed. You Will slowly feel your head filling with blood. This should be done for at least one minute each time you perform it twice daily. There are many ways you can use gravity to improve your hair growth.
The hardest thing I am going to have to do is actually get you to try the shoulder-stand etc, please give yourself a chance, you have bought this book and read up to here. l have got nothing » to lose. l know it works and l hope | have explained how it works. Let me ask you this question, what have you got to lose?
Like most things vi/e do in life, they are habit forming. And the bad habit that needs to be changed is the food that We spend 99.9999% of our time with our heads in an upright position. You must form new habits of doing the shoulder-stand first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Make it a habit.
Here are a few helpful pieces of advice. Don’t tell anyone that you are doing these simple exercises. The most important one being the shoulder-stand etc, that should not be missed. Why? ln my experience, l have told a friend about my theory and they have had a good laugh about it. By telling people who are not really concerned about their hair they will make fun out of your misfortune with the end results you being put off even trying it.

shoulder-stand position for hair growth

When you are in the shoulder stand position, the blood gently rushes into the capillary network of the scalp.
As blood passes through the capillaries network in the papilla a liquid oozes out through the porous Walls of the capillaries to bathe the surrounding Cells. The liquid is tissue fluid and is similar to blood plasma; Oxygen which is released from the haemoglobin ot the red blood cells and the products of digestion (amino acids, fatty acids and glucose) are carried by the tissue fluid to the cells round the hair papilla, so enabling the chemical reactions to take place in the papilla. The result of the chemical reactions is hair growth.
Some of the tissue fluid re-enters the capillaries carrying waste carbon dioxide and some flow away in other channels called lymph vessels.
As we know blood travels around the body in a series of tubes in one direction only. When you go back into an upright position the force of gravity will speed up the Circulation of the blood back to the heart. Thus Creating a Siphon effect, increasing the rate of Chemical reactions in the hair root, thus improving hair growth.

hair growth

As you read earlier, hair growth depends on the products of digestion, (amino acids, fatty acids, glucose and oxygen). Which are carried to the hair papilla by the blood. If you have got hair growing anywhere on your body your blood has the right ingredients to grow hair.
Although gravity is the Weakest known natural force, it is stronger than hormones, stress etc.
the materials required for the growth and development of healthy hair are BROUGHT to the hair papilla by the blood. l am showing you how to BRING the blood to the hair papilla of the scalp using a natural force.
Whilst in the shoulder stand position you will also feel your head fill with blood.
Question? When I stand up after being in the shoulder stand position. Won’t the blood just run back down avi/ay from the scalp?

So how does it Cure baldness?

So how does it Cure baldness?

Hair follicles are kept healthy by the blood vessels that feed them. Hair loss starts when the blood vessels cease to produce a vital supply of nutrients carried to the follicles by the blood.
The follicles become inactive, hair gets thinner and thinner then begins to fall out. This simple treatment Works by stimulating that blood supply feeding the follicles. Simply by performing a shoulder stand twice daily, that is first thing in the morning and last thing at night,will improve the blood supply to the scalp. This restores the normal nutritional process and hair growth follows.
Whilst it this position you are bathing the hair papilla with blood this allows the chemical reactions to take place in the hair root. The result of these Chemical reactions are hair growth. How long should you stay in the shoulder stand position? The answer being 30 Seconds each time at least. Although it will not do you any harm to do it for as long as you feel Comfortable.
Now it you are not convinced and want proof that it works. Take a mirror and arrange it so Whilst in this position you can see your hairline or head. What Colour has it gone? if the answer is red, what is the red Colour you can see? Blood.

When was the last time you were upside down?

When was the last time you were upside down?
The answer would probably be if you are 25 years old, 10 years ago. It you are 35 years old, 20 years ago. I would say that you were probably 15 years old the last time you were upside' down. Gravity is the cause, but now i am going to show you how to use gravity as the Cure.
If at this stage you are thinking should l do a headstand? Good idea, but experts would say no. That by doing a headstand does not increase blood flow to the top of the scalp or the male pattern baldness region. On the contrary it constricts the capillaries and decreases the blood flow there.
Now l am going to show you how to increase the blood flow to the male pattern baldness region.


Slowly drop your head forward, to each side and backward, as far as possible, stretching the neck muscles. Repeat ten times.
The relaxation, head and neck exercises play only a small role in this natural cure to baldness. But should be carried out daily. These simple exercises can be carried out anywhere Whilst sitting down or standing up. You should also look out for signs of stress and rid the body of stress. All this will help in releasing tension that can constrict the blood vessels to the scalp.
We all know that We retain hair at the back and sides of the head. Well known baldies such as Telly Savalas and Yul Brynner had to shave their hair in order to complete their image.
As you have read earlier some hair clinics sell you special shampoo for balding hair. Keep your hair Clean, you should wash your hair at least every clay or two. l know only too Well myself that when my hair first started to recede, l was soared to give the fringe of my hairline a good scrub. l used to give the back and sides a good rub but was scared to touch the part of my scalp which was receding. Never buy shampoo from anywhere other than your local chemist or supermarket, use a mild shampoo and when washing your hair give the Whole scalp a vigorous massage, you Cannot Wash your hair out. Always give the top of the scalp a good massage, this will also help improve the Circulation.
l have talked a lot about gravity in these pages, and in my opinion gravity is the Cause of male pattern baldness, or a bad supply of blood to the scalp. Let me answer this question about yourself for you.


I will guarantee that by doing these simple exercises your hairline will not recede any more. And depending on how long the hair has been receding and it will start to grow back. Do these head and neck exercises as often as you can.
They will keep the muscles supple and help prevent both physical and mental tension. Tiredness and tension in the head area can be a particular problem if you have to sit and work at a desk for long periods, or if you spend a lot of time standing and talking. Tension on lodge at the back of the neck and this in turn causes constriction of the small muscles and blood vessels of the scalp, temples and hairline. Headaches and migraine are obvious warnings. Tightness of the throat, eyestrain, numbness and cricks in the neck are also symptoms of this type of tension.
Roll your head slowly Clockwise and then counter Clockwise, three times each way, allowing it to drop heavily.
Head rolls and neck stretches ease away deep-rooted tension. To make them more effective practice them slowly as possible to maximise the stretch. Moving the head too rapidly when you are tense can increase stiffness and cause twinges and cricks. Each time you drop the head feel its complete weight and allow your jaw to open and your eyes to close so that the relaxing effects are increased.

Don’t worry they will grow back

The sequence is right foot, right Calf, right thigh, front and rear. Left foot, left Calf, left thigh, front and rear. Pelvis, abdomen, lower back, chest, upper back, right hand, right forearm, right upper arm, front and rear, right shoulder.
Left shoulder, throat, neck, jaw, lips, tongue, eyes, brows and scalp.
Observe your breathing again for a minute or two. Then repeat the sequence of letting go with the muscles from feet to scalp. Continue in the manner just described for as many minutes as your giving to relaxation. Ten to twenty is a good average.
At the Conclusion of each wave of relaxation from feet to scalp, the whole body should rest with its full Weight and feel drained of tension. The mind should also be at peace.
To help relax the brow (tension in the forehead onset clots the blood vessels). Frown Strongly, contracting the muscles of the brow. Hold the contraction for six seconds, then let go fully. To help relax the scalp, without moving your head, move the scalp forwards and backwards a few times by conscious control. Then let go fully with the scalp muscles. This helps to rid the scalp of any tension.
I hope that as you have read this book you by now have a Clear View on the growth of hair.And in my opinion baldness is due to poor circulation of blood in the Capillary network of the scalp. And by returning a supply of blood to the hair papilla will make the hair grow. I would also like to say that you will never lose another hair on your head. As you read earlier about the growth cycle of hair you lose about one hundred scalp hairs per day. Don’t worry they will grow back.


If you think you suffer from stress. Try these simple relaxation techniques.
Lie flat on your back in a Corpse position.
Observe your breathing without trying to control it, for a few minutes. Make two successive deep inhalations and exhalations, swelling out the abdomen on breathing in and out. Relax the abdomen Wall fully at the conclusion of the second breath.
Observe your breathing once again. When it has become quite, smooth even in rhythm, direct your attention like a laser beam in sequence over the parts of the body listed overleaf. Tense the muscles then let go. So the muscles rest with their full weight. Note carefully the sensations of tension, then of the absence of tension (relaxation).


The Wearing of wigs is a more permanent solution, employed from the time of the Egyptians on, and many bald Roman emperors managed to appear on coins with, seemingly, a full head of hair because of this simple remedy. Even today, a good Wig or toupee (hair piece) is the only solution for someone with severe Hippocratic baldness if they Cannot face the future Without hair. But it is quite a financial commitment; the Cost of a toupee made of good duality hair, mixed to match your own, is around £650; and one toupee is not enough as it has to be Cleaned regularly, so two is the minimum and three is preferable.

hair weaving

In this, hair pieces are attached to the client’s own hair by means of tight weaving. As the person’s hair grows, the attached hair gradually moves away from the scalp so the hair and the hair pieces have to be restyled every 3-4 months or so. As well as the need for restyling, there is a slight possibility that the technique itself can cause loss of hair from what is termed traction alopecia, where the tension caused by the attachments pules out the hair.
Hair weaving is expensive, and the Cost Continues: the initial ‘weft’ Woven into the hair can Cost about £500 and there is a monthly fee for restyling.


SOFT-TISSUE EXPANSION This is the most recent surgical innovation. Silicon bags are inserted under the skin of the scalp that bears hair, and these are slowly filled with salt Water over a period of 2-4 months. The hair-bearing skin expands thus spreading the hair more thinly but also more widely. The bags are then removed, the bald patch reduced in size by excision; and the stretched skin, with its attendant hair, joined together. This technique is gaining popularity in the USA, despite the fact that the individual has to hide away for around four months While the silicon bags are being inflated. lt is not yet available in the UK.
No figures are available for the success rates of any of the above surgical treatments, as most are carried out in private clinics Whose results are not pooled.

Hair bearing cylinders

When working with these hair bearing cylinders, the physician uses a punch about 3/16 inch in diameter. With this instrument, he punches out grafts from the donor area, then bores out an equal number of ‘plugs’ of bald scalp from the reception area. into these plugs he relocates the donor grafts. Since the skin is from the same person, the body accepts the tissue. The grafts become encrusted with dried blood and When The scabs fall off, they are usually securely attached.
A very interesting thing happens when you have a hair transplant. Within a few weeks or months after surgery, all transplanted hairs fall out of the soap. Fortunately however, in a scalp offering sufficient nourishment, new hairs eventually grow. So that Within a year the full cosmetic effects of the procedure are visible.
Although it is not the hair you are transplanting, it’s the papilla. lt is the papilla that undergoes the trauma of the operation and retreats into a resting stage. And it is the papilla that eventually generates the new hair that fills in the balding area. The hairs that are actually moved from one part of the scalp to the other fall away. They are not important. But their generating organ is and that is Why the donor grafts mostly include the papilla if the procedure is to Work.
Unfortunately, transplant specialists Claim that transplants will thrive forever. Yet not one of them will guarantee their work! It depends upon the physician's skill and the recipient’s scalp Condition and scalp Care habits. The m is that the transplant papilla from the hairy fringes of the head DEPENDS ON THE BLOOD SUPPLY FOR THEIR SURVIVAL and without adequate nourishment they will fail, just like those who preceded them.

Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is unique, this is a technique of hair replacement that uproots hairs growing on the side and rear fringe areas of your scalp where the blood supply is abundant and replanting them in balding areas. lt is the most common form of cosmetic surgery for men today and requires a physician to carry it out. lt is expensive and bloody, transplanted hair can grow successfully if the procedure is carried out properly and if the scalp areas receiving the transplant has enough BLOOD to nourish the new hairs. Hair transplantation is usually done by one of three methods. In the flap technique, rectangular pieces of scalp are Cut out on three sides and swung over to the bald areas to Create a new hair line. ln the strip procedure a narrower patch is removed from the back of the head and replanted. But most hair transplants are accomplished in the form of ‘plugs’ small cylinders of hair bearing scalp moved from the sides and rear of your scalp to the crown and frontal areas.