
Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is unique, this is a technique of hair replacement that uproots hairs growing on the side and rear fringe areas of your scalp where the blood supply is abundant and replanting them in balding areas. lt is the most common form of cosmetic surgery for men today and requires a physician to carry it out. lt is expensive and bloody, transplanted hair can grow successfully if the procedure is carried out properly and if the scalp areas receiving the transplant has enough BLOOD to nourish the new hairs. Hair transplantation is usually done by one of three methods. In the flap technique, rectangular pieces of scalp are Cut out on three sides and swung over to the bald areas to Create a new hair line. ln the strip procedure a narrower patch is removed from the back of the head and replanted. But most hair transplants are accomplished in the form of ‘plugs’ small cylinders of hair bearing scalp moved from the sides and rear of your scalp to the crown and frontal areas.