

Hair, like all living material, grows by the constant division of cells. Each cell is a microscopic unit of living matter consisting of a jelly-like mass cytoplasm, surrounded by a membrane through which nourishment can pass into the cell. A nucleus, usually at the centre of the cell, controls activity Groups of cells form tissue such as skin and nerve tissue. New cells are produced in various parts of the body, when one cell splits into two parts. The nucleus divides first, followed by the cytoplasm. The division of the cells at the bottom of the hair follicle in the skin produces the new cells required for hair growth.
In order to understand the natural Cure to baldness, it is necessary to study the structure of the skin and hair follicles, so you have a clear View on hair growth (Figure 5, General skin and hair diagram).
The skin is the outer Covering of the body, it is one of the largest, most important organs. The skin Contains a number of essential parts, and generally protects the delicate underlying organs and tissues. Contained in the skin, the hairs, hair follicles, oil and sweat glands, muscles, blood vessels, nerves and sensory glands.

The important functions of the skin are protection, heat control, secretion, excretion, sensation and absorption. The skin helps to protect the body by producing extra colour pigment tanning prevents harmful rays from the sun damaging underlying tissues.The skin forms a barrier against germs and prevents infection. It is a flexible tough covering, which repairs itself when torn. Extremes of heat and cold are regulated by the normal hair function. The hair muscles and sweat glands which help maintain the body temperature, secretion and excretion are maintained by the oil and sweat glands. The sense organs are tiny units which lie immediately beneath the top layer of skin. These units are well supplied with nerve endings, which enable the stimulations and responses of the body to take place. Separate units convey the sensations of heat, cold, pain and touch. The skin absorbs little and the depth of absorption is limited. Newer chemicals, however, have deep penetrating qualities. Water is rejected by the Waterproofing effects of the natural oil of the skin, Sebum.