

lt is easy for an “expert” to claim at the outset that he knows that the solution lies in a particular direction. It becomes progressively more difficult to defend this position if circumstances do not develop as expected. The expert then becomes so obsessed With self preservation, that he refuses to Consider any ideas or suggestions which lie outside his narrow-minded vision. His mental efforts are then Concentrated on trying to save face rather than trying to solve the problem. A negative attitude then develops as he attempts to destroy any suggestions made by “non-experts? and pays less attention to the Search for a solution.


The Word Hormone was coined from the greek Word for “excite” in 1905.
Not to long ago, scientists believed that there were about 40 hormones. Today, they Count 100 or more, and tomorrow, the total may be even higher, because researchers keep finding new ones. It is already known that the digestive system manufactures at least five hormones. The ovaries secrete half a dozen different oestrogen. The pituitary and the hypothalamus together produce some 16 hormones to various types, and the adrenals at least 30 steroid hormones.
The role of hormones is to send important messages to the brain and back to many parts of the body. These important messages are Carried partly by nerves and partly by Chemicals in the blood (hormones). They look after many things that happen in our bodies. They help control the beating of the heart, the help Control digestion. They control the rate at which We grow.

It is said by the age of 40, 25 per cent of Women have developed some thinning and recession, and by 50, 50 per Cent have had some hair loss.
But it is much more Common amongst men.
it is estimated that one in five men will go bald soon after Adolescence, and be very bald by the time he is thirty.
Another one in five will maintain quite a good head of hair, Whereas the other three will lose their hair more gradually.
This usually starts at about the age of 25.
The main reason for this is said to be the male sex hormones Called androgens. | disagree with the hormone theory, but agree it may be partly to blame. From now on I am going to refer to baldness as a poor blood supply to the scalp and tell you how the hormones diminish the blood supply to the scalp.
It is said that one in five go bald soon after adolescence, (the period in human development that occurs between the beginning of puberty and adulthood).
Puberty is the point when the reproductive organs mature, and a person becomes capable of reproducing, roughly between the ages of eleven and fifteen in girls and thirteen and fifteen in boys. It involves a number of significant changes, all stimulated by hormones.

Changes at puberty in the male are: FACIAL HAIR APPEARS, follicles in the skin present at birth are stimulated with blood.
The larynx enlarges, voice gets deeper, shoulders and chest broaden, the Whole body becomes more muscular. There is a sudden growth spurt. Also the penis enlarges and the testes begin to produce sperm.
Testosterone is also produced in men by the testicles, and other, similar androgens to a much lesser extent in both men and Women by the adrenal glands on top of each kidney.
But it is the facial hair that APPEARS that fascinates me. Hormones which act as a stimulus produces GROWTH of facial hair in 100% of all males at puberty. Yet if hormones are the cause of baldness Why do only 20% of males start to go bald at puberty.

My theory for the percentage of males Who start to go bald after adolescence may Well be hormones. The same hormones (androgens) which made the facial hair appear. Let me explain how these sex hormones Work.

At puberty testosterone is secreted by the testes. This then goes into the bloodstream and takes messages to the brain. The brain then diverts blood to the hair.
Follicles in the face (which have been present since birth) and facial hair appears. As hormones increase the supply of blood to the hair follicles of the face. The blood supply to the to|o of the scalp is reduced, thus causing hair loss. Also establishing why males go bald more than females.
You can see these sex hormones Causing the brain to divert blood around the body in a man, when he gets an erection, the penis fills with blood.

Although the skin is only one of the body’s major organs it sets up an enormous demand for blood, and is allocated 50 and 65% of the body’s total supply. Moreover the scalp has the most intricate network of capillary, indicating that compared with other parts of the body it has the greatest need and appetite for blood. The hair papilla is one of the most rapidly metabolising of the body’s organs (hair grows Constantly) it maintains an extremely high rate of activity and Consequently must be supplied with large quantities of food and oxygen. The hair papilla must be engorged with blood it they are to create new life by producing the cells needed for the growth of hair. If the blood supply is reduced in any Way, the papilla will fail to generate proper replacement hair.